I don't know why I often feel compelled to move from one project to another without finishing what I already started (and I don't mean just craft projects). I guess it's just another one of my many bad habits. I started a project a month ago and couldn't finish it because I ran out of the yarn color that I needed. While going through some stuff, I found some plastic canvas that I had purchased many moons ago and decided to start making something out of that. Well, while at the store one day, I found the yarn color I was looking for, so I purchased it and started working on my older project. However, even though it's almost done, and I could probably finish it in a couple of of hours, I had taken such a long break from it that I can't find the motivation to get back to it. I have another project that I started around the same time that I'm having the same issue with. I just put it down and don't know when I'll feel like picking it up again.
Well, while on the almighty Facebook the other day, I saw a neat wall hanging and decided I wanted to snag the phrase that was used and do something with it. So, I pulled my plastic canvas out again, even though I haven't finished any of my other projects yet, found a plastic canvas design program at http://www.plasticcanvassoftware.com/, and I made this-
Go figure. The first project I finished is the last one that I started. :D Now I just need to find the motivation to get everything else done. Motivation is not one of my strengths. Unless I have a deadline, most of the time I just don't manage to get anything done! How do you get yourself motivated?