Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wedding Bear

So I hate gift giving. I never know what to give anybody. I'm going to a friend's wedding this weekend, and I had no idea what to get! I decided instead of going to the store and walking around for a few hours, still not having a clue what to get, I'd crochet something! So I thought of a bunch of different ideas, and finally found one to go with. Here is the completed project.
I know it's a bit dark, but my phone takes awful pictures.

I'm so proud of myself! I got the bear pattern from here-

The heart pattern comes from here-

Heart Magnet

So here's a heart magnet I made using the pattern found at this web site here-

I hot glued a magnet to the back. I want to cover my whole fridge with them! :D

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Procrasticrafts Beginnings

I've never done a blog before, but I figured that if my 9 year old son could have a classmate set one up for him, dag nabbit, I can have one, too! Twisted logic, isn't it? ;)
Do you ever notice that there's so many crafts out there that you want to do, yet you just never get around to doing them? I have a whole bunch, thanks to the internet, especially Pinterest! I can't count the unfinished projects that I've started since I was a kid. I don't know what I'm ever going to do with a blanket that is 5 feet wide, but only a foot long that was started as a baby blanket for my son. (mind you, he is now 9) Oh how time just escapes on you.
The catch seems to be, that if you're doing as your own project, you see that you have plenty of time in the world. However, if you're going to do it for someone else, it's a completely different story and you spend all you're time making sure that they get what they want as soon as possible. Isn't it funny how that works? If someone else asks me to do dishes to help them out, I'm all for it, just don't ask me how high my own dishes are piled :)
I've learned that apparently I have far more crocheting skills than I realized. While I can't create my own pattern just yet, I can definitely follow one and make my own alterations where needed. I can make something just by playing around, but ask me to transcribe the pattern for future use and forget about it!. Just a few examples, and forgive my photo quality. Someday I'll get a more modern phone.

This was a combined pattern from for the hat and then for the angry bird pieces. My boy LOVES this hat!

And then I made this one one night-
This pattern came from
Now I'm working on a different project that is going to take a bit more time than a hat, but I absolutely love it!-

The people that come up with these are amazing! I hope to some day be able to create my own patterns and ideas

As where it stands right now, I was thinking that maybe I could start a business for all the procraftinators out there that have a love of homemade crafts, but lack the time to complete them and are just sitting out there in procraftination status.  Find me a pattern, and I'll complete it for you, for a minimal fee. Or if you have an idea that you just don't have the time to figure out how to put it into process. Any suggestions out there as to whether or not this seems like a good idea? I'm a single mom to a son with aspergers with a fairly amount of free time, so I'm looking for something to do with him while my seasonal job is over. I'm selling Scentsy, too to try to do something where he can help, have some fun, and maybe help understand how the business world works.

I think I'm following proper etiquette by posting to the other people's pages to see where the original patterns come from to give credit where credit is do, so please correct me where I'm wrong!